Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Throughout history gold has often been used as money and, instead of quoting the gold price, all other commodities were measured in gold. After World War II a gold standard was established following the 1946 Bretton Woods conference, fixing the gold price at $35 per troy ounce.

Since April 2001 the gold price has more than tripled in value against the US dollar, prompting speculation that the long secular bear market (or the Great Commodities Depression) has ended and a bull market has returned[31]. A World Gold Council report released on February 18, 2009 showed physical gold demand rose sharply in the second half of 2008. Identifiable investment demand for gold, which includes ETFs (exchange-traded funds), bars, and coins, was up 64 percent in 2008 over the year before.[32]
In the last century, major economic crises (such as the Great Depression, World War II, the first and second oil crisis) lowered the Dow/Gold ratio, an indicator of how bad a recession is and whether the outlook is deteriorating or improving, to a value well below 4. The ratio fell on February 18, 2009 to below 8. [33] During these difficult times, investors tried to preserve their assets by investing in precious metals, most notably gold and silver.

Of all the precious metals, gold is the most popular as an investment. Investors generally buy gold as a hedge or safe haven against any economic, political, social, or currency-based crises. These crises include investment market declines, inflation, war, and social unrest. Investors also buy gold during times of a bull market in an attempt to gain financially.

Central banks and the International Monetary Fund play an important role in the gold price. At the end of 2004 central banks and official organizations held 19 percent of all above-ground gold as official gold reserves.[13] The Washington Agreement on Gold (WAG), which dates from September 1999, limits gold sales by its members (Europe, United States, Japan, Australia, Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund) to less than 400 tonnes a year.[14] European central banks, such as the Bank of England and Swiss National Bank, have been key sellers of gold over this period.[15] Although central banks do not generally announce gold purchases in advance, some, such as Russia, have expressed interest in growing their gold reserves again as of late 2005.[16] In early 2006, China, which only holds 1.3% of its reserves in gold,[17] announced that it was looking for ways to improve the returns on its official reserves. Some bulls hope that this signals that China might reposition more of its holdings into gold in line with other Central Banks.[18]

In March 2008 the gold price reached above $1000[7], reaching an all-time nominal high of $1002.80 which, in real terms was still well below the $850 peak in 1980. It then fell, going as low as $709.50 in November, then resumed its upward trend, temporarily breaking the $1000 barrier again in late February 2009.

Investors generally buy gold for two main reasons: to financially gain from increasing gold prices, and/or as a hedge or safe haven against any economic, political, social or currency-based crises.

Investment in gold can be done directly through bullion or coin ownership, or indirectly through gold exchange-traded funds, certificates, accounts, spread betting, derivatives or shares.


you see all over the television that you can get money for your gold, why is this ?

Companies are feeding on the financial problems of the country and enticing you with promises of "BIG MONEY" for your gold scraps, and many people needing the money jump at the opportunity with out knowing the price of gold for the day or any other aspect in the procedures for buying and selling gold. "HOLD ON TO YOUR GOLD SCRAPS" and any other gold that you can get your hands on. Start investing your gold, any chance you get to buy gold, buy it. If the Dollar ever looses total value, no matter how much money you have in the bank, invested, or even under your mattress it will all be worthless! As stated above gold has always been and will always be worth something.

Rasheed shabazz

Monday, July 6, 2009

Mens abdomen tee

The Men's Abdomen Tee is an excellent garment for the man who wants to enjoy a good figure and good health.
The men's abdomen tee shirt looks like an expensive wife beater but it helps men to loose weight as it supports the back. Designed by an orthopedic surgeon, this medical grade garment pushes the displaced body organs back into place so they can begin to function properly again.
The Men's Abdomen tee shirt sculptures the body as it conforms to the shape you were meant to be.

Keys to success with Network Marketing

If you're going to succeed in network marketing you've got to be very selective about the company or companies you endorse. Here are some guidelines:

1. is the company positioned for consistent long-term growth?
2. does it have a large, growing market?
3. are its products something that people must have (or merely something extraneous)?
4. will people have to reorder the products at regular (say monthly) intervals?
5. are the products being sold conveniently available at lower prices elsewhere?
6. are there lots and lots of competitors, or does the company have a good secure "niche" market?

One thing that astonishes me is just how witlessly so many people approach the business of selecting a company to promote. They seem to act like it doesn't matter which company they select; that all companies are equal, and that all they have to do is throw a dart at a list of what's available to make an admirable selection. Stupid!
Don't even think of making a company selection unless:

1. it's financially stable and secure
2. its leadership is going to stick with the company long-term
3. it features a solid, growing product line
4. it offers an attractive price for its products
5. people really like the products
6. people have to continually reorder the products (no one-time sales, please)
7. the industry isn't plagued by over-competition, thereby cutting prices and profit margins.
One other thing. Don't even think of working a network marketing "opportunity" unless the company offers:

1. prospect leads. You're going to run out of your own leads. The company you support needs to be sufficiently bright and well organized to assist you to get the prospect leads you need.
2. easy, duplicatable system. Is it easy to get people to sign up into your "opportunity," or is it endless drudgery? Make sure you know, because either way you're sure to find out!
3. ongoing marketing tips and help.

A good MLM company understands that you're no marketing expert. Thus, they go out of their way to provide ongoing marketing assistance, including all kinds of technical assistance designed to recruit and maintain a profitable downline organization. Make sure the executives at your "opportunity" know this and act accordingly.
Rasheed Shabazz

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The super juice, "Levive"

" The amount of antioxidants in your body is directly proportional to the amount of the time you are gong to live"

Dr. Richard Cuttler, Former Director of the National Institute of Aging Washington, DC. USA

Levive juice by Ardyss is a delicious tasting antioxidant drink. I have been drinking it for about 30 days and let me tell you, I feel really good. this juice has totally replaced my morning coffee, it gives me energy for the whole day, not to mention my sex drive is off the chain. In my opinion this juice tastes better then Noni and the health benefits out weigh those of Noni juice. It would only make sense because it has 5 of the super fruits in it, including the Noni berry.

25 Reasons to Drink Le'Vive"
Origin of Le'Vive's Ingredients:Pomegranate ( Egypt&Asia;) One of the oldest fruits known to man. Rich in vitamins A, B&C, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, calcium, sodium and fiber.Goji ( Himalayas, Tibet, Mongolia) Considered miraculous since ancient times. Rich in polysaccharides; with 18 amino acids, vitamins A, C, B&E, 21 minerals, proteins, fiber and Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils. Acai Berry (Amazon, Brazil) Legendary fruit from that Amazon that contains 10 to 33 times more antioxidants than grapes used for red wine. Noni ( Polynesian Islands, India) Used as a medicinal plant for years to cure different conditions. Contains polysaccharides-based nutrients, organic acids, vitamins and minerals. Mangosteen (Thailand) An Asian native that has caused a commotion with its splendid flavor. Known as the Queen of fruits, possesses high level xanthones

This Wonderful Drink May Help You:
Decrease the Levels of Harmful free Radicals
The Cause of Aging
Keep your Hair&Skin Healthy
Fight Fungus
virus and Bacteria
Increase your Energy Level
Feel and Look Younger
Prevent Cancer
Maintain a Healthy Blood pressure
Control your Blood's Sugar Level
Lose Weight
Sleep Better
Improve your Vision
Enhance your Sex Drive
Improve your Digestion
Prevent Gastritis, reflux and ulcers
Maintain a normal Cholesterol Level
Improve your Memory
Prevent Diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
Control Information and Arthritis
Prevent Tumors
Protect your Kids' Health
Keep your Joints Flexible and Healthy
Improve you Fertility
Keep your Liver Healthy
Prevent Respiratory Conditions such as Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, Asthma, Emphysema
Maintain An Overall State of Good Health. The below video is about the benefits of antioxidants, the product that it refers to is made up of the same 5 super fruits that the levive is made of. Take the time to view the video, you will not be disappointed.
Rasheed Shabazz

Being overwieght is an epidemic!

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with more than 1 billion adults overweight - at least 300 million of them clinically obese - and is a major contributor to the global burden of chronic disease and disability. Often coexisting in developing countries with under-nutrition, obesity is a complex condition, with serious social and psychological dimensions, affecting virtually all ages and socioeconomic groups.

Why is this happening?

As incomes rise and populations become more urban, diets high in complex carbohydrate's give way to more varied diets with a higher proportion of fats, saturated fats and sugars. At the same time, large shifts towards less physically demanding work have been observed worldwide. Moves towards less physical activity are also found in the increasing use of automated transport, technology in the home, and more passive leisure pursuits.

How do we define obesity and overweight?

The prevalence of overweight and obesity is commonly assessed by using body mass index (BMI), defined as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in metres (kg/m2 ). A BMI over 25 kg/m2 is defined as overweight, and a BMI of over 30 kg/m2 as obese. These markers provide common benchmarks for assessment, but the risks of disease in all populations can increase progressively from lower BMI levels.

So even though I sale The Body Magic I want people to understand that this should not replace diets and exercises, even though you can still look good with out them by using this garment. You should want to feel good as well as look good. The above were excerpts from the World Health Organization.

Lets get it together as a whole, Peace!

Rasheed Shabazz

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What is a MLM (Multi Level Marketing)

A Brief History of MLM
Nobody knows exactly when MLM began, because it really evolved over a number of years, prior to World War II. Most observers agree that Nutrilite – now an Amway subsidiary – was the first true MLM company. In addition to being the founders of network marketing, they were the founders of the vitamin and food supplements industry, way back in the 1920s. So the historical connection between MLM and nutritional products dates back over most of the twentieth century – a fact unknown to most people (especially those who think that, somehow, MLM companies are johnny-come-latelies to nutrition. Most of the major product breakthroughs in that industry have been pioneered by MLM companies, in fact.)
The beginnings of MLM
In 1949, two young men named Rich DeVos and Jay VanAndel became Nutrilite distributors. In the ensuing decade, they build a large, prosperous organisation across America. But, in the late 1950s, a problem arose that was to continue to plague many MLM companies even until now. And it almost sank their business.
The manufacturing arm of Nutrilite was owned separately from the marketing arm. And, as often happens in such circumstances (not just in MLM), the marketing arm was seen to be making most of the money. There’s nothing unusual in this. It’s a fact of life that those who connect manufacturers to their markets take the lion’s share of the selling price, in any industry.
To make a long story short, a standoff developed between the manufacturer and the marketer. DeVos and VanAndel watched, alarmed, as their distribution network dwindled rapidly due to lack of product and the resulting lack of income from sales. Unable to bring the two parties to an agreement, they decided to create a product of their own that they could supply to what was left of their network. Here is a video of Robert Kiyosaki Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad on the value of MLM business.

Rasheed Shabazz

Business opportunity

If a person wishes to take advantage of the network marketing side of Ardyss International, they may join one of three ways. Start-up costs with Ardyss range from a $30 Membership to a $250 Power Pack association. All three ways to enroll will be plus tax and shipping costs of new distributor kits.

There are several Ardyss distributors earning significant incomes within the first two to six months of starting their Ardyss business, putting them on pace to earn well over six-figures a year in their first year of business. That is highly unheard of in network marketing for that level of income to be reached so quickly, but it's happening everyday in Ardyss International.

As it is well-known, network marketing has created many millionaires in the past. It is no different with Ardyss International. Their solid compensation plan has laid the ground work to allow a person to recoup their initial investment very quickly and make a substantial income.

The Ardyss products are solid in that they are affordable for the average person and gives them instant results, which could make this opportunity very appealing to those who take a closer look.

Even though Ardyss International has been around for nearly twenty years, it is still a ground-floor opportunity for anyone interested in growing a solid home-based business.

If anyone is looking for a ground-floor opportunity, a strong compensation plan, phenomenal products, and strong leadership, Ardyss International seems to deserve a deeper consideration for those searching for a home-based business.

Angel Bra

The Angel bra is designed for comfort and functionality. It helps to reshape the bust and works to correct flaccid tissue in the bust area. It helps to support the weight of the breasts allowing the back and shoulder muscles to relax. Some other advantages of the Angel bra are; it redistributes weight, prevents flabbiness, lifts and gives more volume, compacts the tissue, evens out the size of the breasts, prevents the formation of cysts, relaxes the back muscles, slims the waist, relieves premenstrual pain, and corrects posture. For more information contact me at 1-877-601-4893 or ardysslife.com/rasheed.
Rasheed Shabazz

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Spotlight; Body Magic

Ardyss International emerged in 1991 as a Mexican Manufacturing Company that developed a new concept in corsetry designed for reshaping the female figure. This innovative concept was an idea that belonged to Mr. Antonio Diaz de Leon..
The Body Magic is designed to truly reshape your lower body. It allows you to redistribute some of your irregularities to a more desirable area; it reshapes your body instantly. This redistribution becomes more permanent over time. If you need an instant tummy tuck this Garment will do it. The Ardyss Body Magic will sensationalize your figure by correcting your posture, removing side rolls and flattening your stomach instantly.

Let me tell you a short story on how I got involved with this product. I was approached by several people trying to convince me on this opportunity, I have never been involved with selling women’s clothing, and not to mention the thought of selling women’s under clothing, forget about it! But God must have had a plan for me, I started seeing clients of mine selling these Body Magic all over the place, so needless to say I gave in. I really wanted to see what all of the hype was about, so I went to a meeting at the Sheraton hotel by the airport in Atlanta Georgia. After seeing some of the women coming into this meeting, I saw the need for something to help the woes of these tortured souls. One of the ladies hosting the meeting was a beautiful shapely woman who I could not imagine her needing any help with her figure. To my amazement she admitted that she was wearing a Body Magic, so now my curiosity was really peaked. The host picked 3 women out of the audience and asked them to volunteer to sample the Body Magic. The women were asked to get up on the stage; the host introduced the volunteer models for the Body magic and pointed out there problem areas. The women were escorted off stage to a back room where they transformed. The women came back out onstage a short time later, and I could not believe my eyes. One of the women had love handles, muffin top, and the biggest breast I had ever seen, when asked how she felt with the Body Magic on she became emotional and said that she had not felt so much relief and support in her back in a long time. I noticed the audience started buzzing with excitement and purses and wallets started to open all over the room, so needless to say I became a believer and a distributor. I have been signing people up and selling The Body Magic all over the country, this product really sells its self. I have never sold anything so easily in my life, all I have to do is show people the benefit of the Body Magic and let them try it on for themselves, and it is sold..

Another reason I was really excited about this opportunity is, the host of the meeting told the audience something unbelievable, she claimed that she earned $80,000 in one month and earned close to that amount for the past several months, and she had only been in the business for less than a year. I know impossible right? WRONG! She really made that type of money along with several other people in the audience. If you want to be financially secure in this time of despair you will definitely check this opportunity out and not let it pass you by like I almost did..


Hello my name is Rasheed Shabazz, I am an independent distributor of the latest craze of men and woman’s slimming under garments, namely the Ardyss Body Magic. I have done it all from selling alarm systems door to door to arresting criminals as a Deputy Sheriff, I have finally found a source of income that allows me the luxury of financially supporting my household and spending quality time with my family. If you would like more information on this opportunity contact me by either hitting me up on my blog, contacting me through the web at rasheed@gobodymagic.com, call me toll free at
1-(877) - 601-4893, or follow me on twitter.