If you're going to succeed in network marketing you've got to be very selective about the company or companies you endorse. Here are some guidelines:
1. is the company positioned for consistent long-term growth?
2. does it have a large, growing market?
3. are its products something that people must have (or merely something extraneous)?
4. will people have to reorder the products at regular (say monthly) intervals?
5. are the products being sold conveniently available at lower prices elsewhere?
6. are there lots and lots of competitors, or does the company have a good secure "niche" market?
One thing that astonishes me is just how witlessly so many people approach the business of selecting a company to promote. They seem to act like it doesn't matter which company they select; that all companies are equal, and that all they have to do is throw a dart at a list of what's available to make an admirable selection. Stupid!
Don't even think of making a company selection unless:
1. it's financially stable and secure
2. its leadership is going to stick with the company long-term
3. it features a solid, growing product line
4. it offers an attractive price for its products
5. people really like the products
6. people have to continually reorder the products (no one-time sales, please)
7. the industry isn't plagued by over-competition, thereby cutting prices and profit margins.
One other thing. Don't even think of working a network marketing "opportunity" unless the company offers:
1. prospect leads. You're going to run out of your own leads. The company you support needs to be sufficiently bright and well organized to assist you to get the prospect leads you need.
2. easy, duplicatable system. Is it easy to get people to sign up into your "opportunity," or is it endless drudgery? Make sure you know, because either way you're sure to find out!
3. ongoing marketing tips and help.
A good MLM company understands that you're no marketing expert. Thus, they go out of their way to provide ongoing marketing assistance, including all kinds of technical assistance designed to recruit and maintain a profitable downline organization. Make sure the executives at your "opportunity" know this and act accordingly.
Rasheed Shabazz
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